At this point, everything you see on this website has been produced and created by me, Anne Jo Lee, and yes, that's my real name. I think my mother couldn't decide and wasn't going with Randy Anne, as my father had suggested. Aunt Ann was my namesake, Jo, from Jo Beth, my grandmother on my mom's side, and Lee was a good friend of my parents. My father's mother, Sara Von was the only one who called me by my full name, so when she passed away I decided to use it in her honor. For some reason it's difficult for people to say, maybe because it's unusual, some people complain it's long but it's really not any more syllables than Anthony! If it's too long in certain situations, like on set, people typically call me Jo Lee.
I'm listening to a podcast, about the 5 P's of #Crowdfunding for an #IndieFilm. Another perk of having such an amazing fiscal sponsor, From The Heart Productions, is that I'm tapped in to all the great FREE info available for filmmakers; out of all the industry emails, I genuinely read theirs and find nuggets like this and gather great information and inspiration. I've tried crowdfunding before and it's much more difficult than most people think, same as building a website or making a movie. So this time, I'd really like to go into it with a plan and so I'm doing a lot of research of successful campaigns but there still is not formula. This goes for film making also, the entire business is very different than most and although there are certainly some set standards that have been proven to work, a lot of it is a gamble, one I was willing to take.
12 years may seem like a long time to be on 1 project, yes that's about how long I've been on this one but really much longer, a life time. Everything I've been passionate about and love in this world had led me to this, I've had to take all kinds of other jobs and detours along the way but at the end of the day it's what I truly feel good about and what makes me smile. To share my story and how I view things, in hopes that I can inspire others to do the same, and that I might also encourage people to take better care of our #PublicLands and the environment along the way, makes every bit of these growing pains worth it and I couldn't have asked for a better medium!